
You Are Not a Fixer-Upper

by | Jan 28, 2019 | 14 comments

not a fixer upper

Image: HGTV

Today as I type, I’ve got a front-row view of some curious goings-on across the street at the old, historic farmhouse.

For years that beloved local landmark had gone to ruin. Many chased the dream of fixing it up . . . until they did a cost-analysis. No one likes to throw good money after bad.

But at last, work is under way to save it. New owners are somehow shouldering the burden. A labor of love, I guess. Today, the exterior section with the worst decay is splayed open where they’ve ripped off the busted siding. The sweet old girl is exposed to the studs.


fixer upper 2

It’s got me thinking about the renovations God began in me a long time ago. And what I’ve gotten wrong about it.

I know myself the feeling of being deconstructed. Of icky facades torn away, damage exposed. Of God’s careful undertakings, lovingly restoring me to his original design. With each stage of transformation, I’ve walked in greater freedom and victory. Only to find another area under construction. And then another.

So for a long time I thought God approached me like Chip and Joanna Gaines approach a flip-house.

Have you ever self-identified as a fixer-upper? As if God attends to the worst offenders in each “room” until we’re good enough?

That’s called putting lipstick on a pig.

In truth, the moment you and I find our way back to God through the gift of Christ’s atoning work, he doesn’t launch into a cost analysis. He doesn’t begin by drawing up a project punch-list. He starts by regenerating us!

We. Are. New. Creatures.

He’s already remade us into a place worthy for he, himself to reside! A new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17–21), rooted and established in love (Ephesians 3:17).

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

I’m a new woman, already standing in his righteousness. Spirit empowered. And he has brand new things in mind for me to do this year. For the callings ahead, I’m already as ready as he needs me to be.

Even when I don’t feel ready. Or good enough.

The other day Garth surprised me when he announced he wouldn’t be signing up for a ministry that in the past would’ve interested him. “I’ve already been there, done that,” he said. “Life’s too short.” Instead, he’s listening to the Lord and praying for courage to launch something brand new.

How much do we value this season of life? Are we to remain stuck here, focused on an exterior that’s in decline and an inner life that isn’t yet all we think it needs to be?

Shall we keep trying to reclaim an older version of ourselves or pining for what someone else is accomplishing? Do we really want to wait another year to carry out the unique dreams God’s been laying on our hearts?

Do we want 2019 to go down as another year marked by timidity rather than boldness?

God doesn’t call the qualified. He what? We’ve all heard this. He qualifies the called. So make a move. Take the step.

I’m convinced life in Christ should never feel boring or stagnant. Staying the same has never been an option. We’re always either developing or deteriorating. Like that house across the street.

[bctt tweet=”Life in Christ should never feel boring or stagnant. Staying the same has never been an option. We’re always either developing or deteriorating. ” username=”KitTosello”]

And like that charming old place, we’re not attractive in spite of our history. With God, our attractiveness lies in our history. And the renewal that points others to his power and grace. The renewal others are hungry for us to testify to this year.

He’s already done the thing. And yet somehow, he’s still doing it. You’re a masterpiece made, as well as in the making.

Across the street, two workers have set up their metal sawhorses, tightened their tool belts, and set to work. And Christ is laboring today to make you and me more like him. Mind you, in slow, often painful, stages. And with our cooperation, he’ll never abandon the work.

Sometimes the hardest part is trusting in the work he’s already done. Paid for and accomplished.

We don’t wait for dynamic transformation. We wade into it, by faith. By stepping outside our comfort zones into new situations where we have no choice but to drill down into our identities as Holy Spirit-reliant, fully regenerated children of God.

Not fixer-uppers.

[bctt tweet=”We don’t wait for dynamic transformation. We wade into it, by faith.” username=”KitTosello”]

Whatever changes came our way last year, whatever looms on the horizon in the coming months, let’s be a people unafraid. Let’s take new emotional risks. Fling wide the doors to our heart. Risk tripping and falling on our way to help someone. Take a chance on a God-given dream.

I’ve prayed for you, my friend. May this be a year you freely yield to whatever renovations God has planned. But at the same time, may you and I say to him, Bring on the new! and move toward it with confidence.

I’d love to hear from you!

What is something new you sense God may be calling you to?

What did you step into last year that was out of your comfort zone?

Like this post? It means a lot to me when you share 🙂

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  1. Jane

    I believe in God’s Providence. I have to. It’s the only way I came across your post. It is so much of what I need to act on. Beautifully but powerfully written.

  2. Anita Ojeda

    I love this! I love that the cost analysis has already happened and that even though I’m a work in progress, I’m beautiful during the rennovation :). I’m happy to be your neighbor at Tell His Story this week :).

    • Kit

      Thanks, Anita! 🙂

  3. Lauren Sparks

    Wonderful! Thank you for this encouragement. Visiting you from mary geisen’s link up. laurensparks.net

    • Kit

      Hi, Lauren! Happy to see you here 🙂

  4. Candace Playforth

    Thank you for this beautiful encouragement! I love this: “He’s already done the thing.” Amen. He certainly has and I forget that far too often. No more fixer-upper mindset. We are ready :).

    • Kit

      Hi, Candace. Not sure I’ve ever given a benediction before, but Amen, go forth!

  5. realtalk859

    What a beautifully poignant post. I have thought of myself as a fixer-upper. I’ve got character and the façade doesn’t look too bad but the planks squeak and the chandeliers are outdated. I need God to renovate me. Make me new again. A

    • Kit

      He can do a lot with a willing heart, squeaky planks and all. I’ve prayed for you, that you’ll sense his joy in the new woman you already are by faith, A. <3

  6. Laurie

    Thank you for your encouraging post, Kit. It sometimes seems like we are able to extend grace to everyone but ourselves. We need reminders that we are enough for God.

    • Kit

      We do, Laurie! Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  7. Marlys Johnson

    Beautifully written, Kit. I needed this reminder – that I’m not a fixer-upper. Already God is breaking trail toward what seems like a wild and crazy trek in 2019. But this: “Fling wide the doors to our heart. Risk tripping and falling on our way to help someone. Take a chance on a God-given dream.”

    • Kit

      Except for you, Marlys. No more tripping and falling for you. 😉


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